
Petites rencontres - Little encounters

thumbnails/000-01 Elégance 2006.jpg.small.jpeg
Elégance - Elegance
thumbnails/001-02 Ballet 2006.jpg.small.jpeg
thumbnails/002-03 Coucou 2009.jpg.small.jpeg
Coucou - Hi there
thumbnails/003-04 Eclat.jpg.small.jpeg
Eclat - Brilliance
thumbnails/004-05 Ephippiger.jpg.small.jpeg
Ephippiger ephippiger
thumbnails/005-06 Repas familial 2017.jpg.small.jpeg
Repas familial - Family meal
thumbnails/006-07 Instit 2017.jpg.small.jpeg
L'instit - The school teacher
thumbnails/007-08 Tipule.jpg.small.jpeg
Tipule - Daddy Longlegs
thumbnails/008-09 Libellule 01.jpg.small.jpeg
Libellule - Damsel-fly
thumbnails/009-10 Libellule 02.jpg.small.jpeg
Et une autre libellule - And another damsel-fly
thumbnails/010-11 Chenille.jpg.small.jpeg
Celle avec qui nous partageons notre potager - The one with whom we share our vegetable garden

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